Using Your Blind Hem Foot

Your Blind Hem Foot is a great time saver and will enable you to sew invisible hems on a wide range of fabrics. The foot has a guide that helps keep the sewing straight. In addition, the foot has a thin, metal tongue just inside the needle slot. This slackens the stitch to help prevent the hem from pulling in as the stitch is formed.

1: Attaching the foot
Raise the presser foot lever and unclip then remove the existing presser foot and clip on the Blind Hem Foot.

2: Machine Setting:

Which stitch should I use? Take a look through your machine's user manual for stitch length and width settings. In most cases, the width should be set to around 3 and the length to 2. Tension should be left at the normal setting. You may find there are two stitches that can be used with this foot (depending on machine model) Stitch A is used mainly on jersey fabrics; whereas B is used mainly on woven fabrics.

3: Preparing the hem

Fold, then press the hem to your required level. Next, reverse the fold so that the inside of the hem is facing down and pin into place. You’ll need to leave about 5mm of fabric adjacent to the fold. The fold that’s now on top will be the needle strike point when stitching the hem.

4: Position the hem under the foot
Lower the foot onto the hem lining up the strike point (top fold) of the hem against the inside of the black metal guide on the foot as shown above.

5: Positioning the needle in relation to the strike point
Turn your machine’s hand wheel (towards you) and check that when the needle zigzags to the far left, it catches the strike point of the hem.
Depending on the model of your machine, you may need to slightly adjust the stitch width to get the best result. You may also need to slightly adjust the needle position (if your machine has this function). The main aim by spending a little time on these adjustments is to set the needle so that it just catches the very edge of the strike point - the less that needle catches reduces the size of the stitch showing on the outside of the hem.

6: Sewing the hem
If your machine has a speed reduction control - set it to minimum. If you’ve never made a blind hem before, we recommend a practice run prior to your main project.
Having checked you’re okay with the above settings; you can now sew all the way along the hem. Sew slowly and check that you’re keeping the strike point (top fold) gently positioned against the guide on the foot as the fabric is feeding along.  And don’t forget to take out the pins before they go under foot!

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